Consider the following procedure below. The trick is easy, but users still need to be careful:
1st. Windows XP
2nd. BlackBerry Desktop Manager version 4.5
1st. Blackberry OS Download the installer, search first on the internet, for example: keywords: 8700
I'll get a URL like this: https: / /
2nd. Install OS files are already available to download on a PC (Do not forget to turn off the Desktop Manager first)
3. Open the directory C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ Research In Motion \ AppLoader
4th. Delete files Vendor.xml
5. Plug the BlackBerry into a PC via USB cable
6. Turn on the Desktop Manager
7. Click AppLoader
8. Follow the wizard to install OS
The process takes about 30 - 60 minutes, the longest time Erasing Application process (initial) and Waiting for Device (last)
During the process, not revoked its USB cable. If there is a failure, repeat the process.